Tuesday, March 17, 2020

To My Mother Essays

To My Mother Essays To My Mother Paper To My Mother Paper Essay Topic: Poetry To my mother a poem written by George Barker is about a boy encouraging his mother to come out of her sorrows. The persona of this poem is encouraging his mother to fight her sorrows and overcome them because he has a lot of faith in her and also loves her. The message George Barker conveys through this poem is that we should not let our loved one in pain or sorrow but help them conquer over the sadness by showing affection and love, and having faith in them. The poet successfully conveys his message through the use of a variety of poetic techniques such as; form, diction and imagery. The poem To My Mother is written in a specific from, which helps convey the message and the feelings of the mother across to the readers. This poem is a sonnet; it consists of fourteen lines which are pleasingly divided into an octave and a sestet, more like a Petrarchan or Italian sonnet. The octave describes to us the seismic laughter and how the mother was before all the sorrow taking control of her. It tells us that she was a comical yet caring; she was more of a role model to the other but she was following a brass band which could be referring to her beliefs. The sestet also talks about the mother but it is after all the sorrow fills her heart and mind, she leans on the mahogany table people lean on object when they are tired upset. In this case the mother is both upset and tired of being upset. The last two lines in the sestet describe how the behaviour of the mother has affected the son, the only strength, which the son can provide for his mother to break the wall of sadness is love and faith. The octave has a rhyme scheme of abcd abcd, the sestet has a rhyme scheme of efg efg, and each line follows an iambic metre. The iambic metre gives us a rhythm to read the poem, which also relates to the message and the mothers feelings. Normally when we feel sad, everything we do tends to be slow and at a steady pace, the iambic metre provides that steadiness in the reading. The metre also relates to the message, helping someone overcome their sorrows, the metre states the slow and sorrowful mind of the mother and the rhyme at the end of each line suggests the love and faith the son has toward the mother. By using the form of a Petrarchan or Italian sonnet the poet effectively state the message. Through the uses of effective diction and simile, George Barker communicates the emotions of the mother. In the octave word choices like, most dear suggests that this poem might indeed be a letter to some one. When I think of words like most loved and most far, it seems to be a letter written to someone, who has died, and the boy is informing his mother status after their death. Huge suggests not only the mothers appearance but also the kindness; having a huge heart. Seismic implies her being jovial and light hearted; on the other hand in the sestet, where the tone changes, the thoughtful choice of words emphasise the sadness of the mother. She will not glance up at the bomber or condescend/ To drop her gin and scuttle to the cellar, this shows us that the boy has tried every means to get the mother out of her sorrows but what ever happens she would not recover or respond. People Lean when they are tired, stressed or miserable, this directly relates to the mothers state of mind. I think that the detailed description of the table; being mahogany is significant to how the mother feels as well. The word sounds like melancholy; meaning sad and depressed, which is what the mother is undergoing. The word cellar reminds me of prisons and bars; the mother is behind and trapped into the prison of mourning. Mourning into morning these words are homophones; sounding the same concludes the poem, and also states the message, by expressing that the mother sorrows will end when there is a new beginning. One very effective simile, is describing his mother like a mountain, this description not only describes the physical appearance but also the emotional capacity. A mountain is large and is a home to many living things, and the author to choose a mountain to describes is telling us that she is not only physically big but also is full of sorrow and sadness that, and the son needing the support of the mother, resembles the life in the mountains . George Barker uses metre, diction, rhyme, and simile; to illustrate the hidden message of his poem to his readers. The careful choice of word helps the readers successfully understand the emotions of the mother. The form of the poem helps the readers, feel the mothers sorrowfulness and the message from the poet; that we should help our loved one overcome pain and sorrow by loving them and having faith in them.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

How to Craft a PhD Research Proposal

How to Craft a PhD Research Proposal How to Craft a PhD Research Proposal If you are contemplating taking your academic career to the next level and completing a PhD in the chosen field of study, then it is important to begin thinking about how you are going to present your proposal. In this article, we will explain the requirements of a PhD research proposal and walk you through the key steps that you will need to follow preparing your proposal. What is a PhD Research Proposal? Not every academic field of study will require the same format of a proposal if you are applying for a PhD program. In more technical subjects such as science, engineering, or medicine, the institution that you are applying to will most likely follow an interview process to determine whether you will be a good fit for one of their existing research teams. In the fields of humanities and social sciences, research is generally conducted on an individual basis, and it is in these fields where you will most likely be expected to submit a detailed and formal PhD research proposal. Below are the key elements that you should include in your research proposal. Step 1: Title At this stage of the process, this will only be a working title for your subject matter, but use a title that is clear and concisely illustrates the subject of your research. Step 2: Rationale In this section, you should outline the background and rationale for your proposed subject matter. You need to be able to give context regarding the background and issues within which your research will sit. You also need to be able to articulate the aims and objectives of your research. In this section, you should also detail the parameters that you have set for your proposed research and the rationale for setting those parameters. Step 3: Research Question Here, you need to be able succinctly and precisely define the research question that you will be addressing. You also need to demonstrate confidence that the research question you are addressing will be able to be answered within the timeframe that you have available. Step 4: Methodology You need to describe the methodology that you will use to conduct your research as well as the theoretical framework within which you are working. This is quite an important part of your proposal. You need to demonstrate that not only is the research approach that you are proposing is sound, but you also have to address any ethical considerations as well as the practicality of delivering meaningful results from the research you are undertaking. Step 5: Literature Review In this section, you need to demonstrate that you have an understanding of the work that has already been completed on this subject. Acknowledge the main academic contributions that have already been made, and outline how the research that you are proposing will add to the knowledge and understanding of the chosen subject. Step 6: Qualifications This is important to demonstrate that you have the skills and experiences to undertake and deliver this research. Think of this section as your academic CV. Step 7: Publication Research of this nature has value if it is able to be published in a relevant academic journal. Demonstrate that you have considered how your work will be published once completed. Undertaking PhD research is a major milestone in your academic career. Make sure you set yourself up for success by understanding all of the requirements and how to present yourself as a high-quality candidate with the drive and determination to deliver the results required.